Chapter 11: Stream processing

Aditi Lonhari
19 min readJun 29, 2023


One big assumption we made throughout Chapter 10 was that the input is bounded — i.e., of a known and finite size — so the batch process knows when it has finished reading its input. In reality, a lot of data is unbounded because it arrives gradually over time.

The problem with daily batch processes is that changes in the input are only reflected in the output a day later, which is too slow for many impatient users. To reduce the delay, we can run the processing more frequently — say, processing a second’s worth of data at the end of every second — or even continuously, abandoning the fixed time slices entirely and simply processing every event as it happens. That is the idea behind stream processing.

In this chapter we will look at event streams as a data management mechanism.

Transmitting Event Streams

When the input is a file (a sequence of bytes), the first processing step is usually to parse it into a sequence of records. In a stream processing context, a record is more commonly known as an event, but it is essentially the same thing: a small, self contained, immutable object containing the details of something that happened at some point in time. An event usually contains a timestamp indicating when it happened according to a time-of-day clock.

An event may be encoded as a text string, or JSON, or perhaps in some binary form. This encoding allows you to store an event, for example by appending it to a file, inserting it into a relational table, or writing it to a document database. It also allows you to send the event over the network to another node in order to process it.

In batch processing, a file is written once and then potentially read by multiple jobs. Analogously, in streaming terminology, an event is generated once by a producer (also known as a publisher or sender), and then potentially processed by multiple consumers (subscribers or recipients). In a filesystem, a filename identifies a set of related records; in a streaming system, related events are usually grouped together into a topic or stream.

In principle, a file or database is sufficient to connect producers and consumers: a producer writes every event that it generates to the datastore, and each consumer periodically polls the datastore to check for events that have appeared since it last ran. This is essentially what a batch process does when it processes a day’s worth of data at the end of every day.

However, when moving toward continual processing with low delays, polling becomes expensive if the datastore is not designed for this kind of usage. . Instead, it is better for consumers to be notified when new events appear.

Messaging Systems

A common approach for notifying consumers about new events is to use a messaging system: a producer sends a message containing the event, which is then pushed to consumers.

Unix pipes and TCP connect exactly one sender with one recipient, whereas a messaging system allows multiple producer nodes to send messages to the same topic and allows multiple consumer nodes to receive messages in a topic.

Within this publish/subscribe model, different systems take a wide range of approaches, and there is no one right answer for all purposes. To differentiate the systems, it is particularly helpful to ask the following two questions:

  1. What happens if the producers send messages faster than the consumers can process them? Broadly speaking, there are three options: the system can drop messages, buffer messages in a queue, or apply back pressure (also known as flow control; i.e., blocking the producer from sending more messages)
  2. What happens if nodes crash or temporarily go offline — are any messages lost? As with databases, durability may require some combination of writing to disk and/or replication which has a cost.

Direct messaging from producers to consumers

A number of messaging systems use direct network communication between producers and consumers without going via intermediary nodes.

  • UDP multicast is widely used in the financial industry for streams such as stock market feeds, where low latency is important.
  • If the consumer exposes a service on the network, producers can make a direct HTTP or RPC request to push messages to the consumer. This is the idea behind webhooks, a pattern in which a callback URL of one service is registered with another service, and it makes a request to that URL whenever an event occurs.

Although these direct messaging systems work well in the situations for which they are designed, they generally require the application code to be aware of the possibility of message loss. The faults they can tolerate are quite limited: even if the protocols detect and retransmit packets that are lost in the network, they generally assume that producers and consumers are constantly online.

Message brokers

A widely used alternative is to send messages via a message broker (also known as a message queue), which is essentially a kind of database that is optimized for handling message streams. It runs as a server, with producers and consumers connecting to it as clients. Producers write messages to the broker, and consumers receive them by reading them from the broker.

By centralizing the data in the broker, these systems can more easily tolerate clients that come and go (connect, disconnect, and crash), and the question of durability is moved to the broker instead.

A consequence of queueing is also that consumers are generally asynchronous: when a producer sends a message, it normally only waits for the broker to confirm that it has buffered the message and does not wait for the message to be processed by consumers. The delivery to consumers will happen at some undetermined future point in time — often within a fraction of a second, but sometimes significantly later if there is a queue backlog.

This is the traditional view of message brokers is encapsulated in standards like JMS and AMQP and implemented in software like RabbitMQ, TIBCO Enterprise Message Service, IBM MQ, Azure Service Bus, and Google Cloud Pub/Sub.

Multiple consumers

When multiple consumers read messages in the same topic, two main patterns of messaging are used, as illustrated in Figure 11–1:

Load balancing

Each message is delivered to one of the consumers, so the consumers can share the work of processing the messages in the topic. The broker may assign mes‐ sages to consumers arbitrarily. This pattern is useful when the messages are expensive to process, and so you want to be able to add consumers to parallelize the processing. (In AMQP, you can implement load balancing by having multiple clients consuming from the same queue, and in JMS it is called a shared subscription.)


Each message is delivered to all of the consumers. Fan-out allows several independent consumers to each “tune in” to the same broadcast of messages, without affecting each other — the streaming equivalent of having several different batch jobs that read the same input file. (This feature is provided by topic subscriptions in JMS, and exchange bindings in AMQP.)

Acknowledgments and redelivery

Consumers may crash at any time, so it could happen that a broker delivers a message to a consumer but the consumer never processes it, or only partially processes it before crashing. In order to ensure that the message is not lost, message brokers use acknowledgments: a client must explicitly tell the broker when it has finished processing a message so that the broker can remove it from the queue.

If the connection to a client is closed or times out without the broker receiving an acknowledgment, it assumes that the message was not processed, and therefore it delivers the message again to another consumer.

Partitioned Logs

Sending a packet over a network or making a request to a network service is normally a transient operation that leaves no permanent trace. Even message brokers that durably write messages to disk quickly delete them again after they have been delivered to consumers, because they are built around a transient messaging mindset.

A key feature of batch processes is that you can run them repeatedly, experimenting with the processing steps, without risk of damaging the input (since the input is read-only). This is not the case with AMQP/JMS-style messaging: receiving a message is destructive if the acknowledgment causes it to be deleted from the broker, so you cannot run the same consumer again and expect to get the same result.

This is the idea behind log-based message brokers is to have a hybrid, combining the durable storage approach of databases with the low-latency notification facilities of messaging.

Using logs for message storage

A log is simply an append-only sequence of records on disk. The same structure can be used to implement a message broker: a producer sends a message by appending it to the end of the log, and a consumer receives messages by reading the log sequentially. If a consumer reaches the end of the log, it waits for a notification that a new message has been appended. The Unix tool tail -f, which watches a file for data being appended, essentially works like this.

In order to scale to higher throughput than a single disk can offer, the log can be partitioned. Different partitions can then be hosted on different machines, making each partition a separate log that can be read and written independently from other partitions. A topic can then be defined as a group of partitions that all carry messages of the same type.

Apache Kafka, Amazon Kinesis Streams, and Twitter’s DistributedLog are log-based message brokers that work like this. Even though these message brokers write all messages to disk, they are able to achieve throughput of millions of messages per second by partitioning across multiple machines, and fault tolerance by replicating messages.

Logs compared to traditional messaging

The log-based approach trivially supports fan-out messaging, because several consumers can independently read the log without affecting each other — reading a message does not delete it from the log. To achieve load balancing across a group of consumers, instead of assigning individual messages to consumer clients, the broker can assign entire partitions to nodes in the consumer group.

In situations where messages may be expensive to process and you want to parallelize processing on a message-by-message basis, and where message ordering is not so important, the JMS/AMQP style of message broker is preferable. On the other hand, in situations with high message throughput, where each message is fast to process and where message ordering is important, the log-based approach works very well.

Consumer offsets

Consuming a partition sequentially makes it easy to tell which messages have been processed: all messages with an offset less than a consumer’s current offset have already been processed, and all messages with a greater offset have not yet been seen. Thus, the broker does not need to track acknowledgments for every single message — it only needs to periodically record the consumer offsets. The reduced bookkeeping overhead and the opportunities for batching and pipelining in this approach help increase the throughput of log-based systems.

Disk space usage

If you only ever append to the log, you will eventually run out of disk space. To reclaim disk space, the log is actually divided into segments, and from time to time old segments are deleted or moved to archive storage.

Effectively, the log implements a bounded-size buffer that dis‐ cards old messages when it gets full, also known as a circular buffer or ring buffer. However, since that buffer is on disk, it can be quite large.

Replaying old messages

We noted previously that with AMQP- and JMS-style message brokers, processing and acknowledging messages is a destructive operation, since it causes the messages to be deleted on the broker. On the other hand, in a log-based message broker, consuming messages is more like reading from a file: it is a read-only operation that does not change the log.

This aspect makes log-based messaging more like the batch processes of the last chapter, where derived data is clearly separated from input data through a repeatable transformation process. It allows more experimentation and easier recovery from errors and bugs, making it a good tool for integrating dataflows within an organization.

Databases and Streams

We said previously that an event is a record of something that happened at some point in time. The thing that happened may be a user action (e.g., typing a search query), or a sensor reading, but it may also be a write to a database. The fact that something was written to a database is an event that can be captured, stored, and processed. This observation suggests that the connection between databases and streams runs deeper than just the physical storage of logs on disk — it is quite fundamental.

Keeping Systems in Sync

There is no single system that can satisfy all data storage, querying, and processing needs. In practice, most nontrivial applications need to combine several different technologies in order to satisfy their require‐ ments: for example, using an OLTP database to serve user requests, a cache to speed up common requests, a full-text index to handle search queries, and a data warehouse for analytics. Each of these has its own copy of the data, stored in its own representation that is optimized for its own purposes.

As the same or related data appears in several different places, they need to be kept in sync with one another: if an item is updated in the database, it also needs to be updated in the cache, search indexes, and data warehouse. With data warehouses this synchronization is usually performed by ETL processes, often by taking a full copy of a database, transforming it, and bulk-loading it into the data warehouse — in other words, a batch process.

Change Data Capture

Change data capture (CDC) is the process of observing all data changes written to a database and extracting them in a form in which they can be replicated to other systems. CDC is especially interesting if changes are made available as a stream, immediately as they are written.

Event Sourcing

Similarly to change data capture, event sourcing involves storing all changes to the application state as a log of change events. The biggest difference is that event sourc‐ ing applies the idea at a different level of abstraction:

  • In change data capture, the application uses the database in a mutable way, updating and deleting records at will. The log of changes is extracted from the database at a low level (e.g., by parsing the replication log), which ensures that the order of writes extracted from the database matches the order in which they were actually written, avoiding the race condition. The application writing to the database does not need to be aware that CDC is occurring.
  • In event sourcing, the application logic is explicitly built on the basis of immutable events that are written to an event log. In this case, the event store is appendonly, and updates or deletes are discouraged or prohibited. Events are designed to reflect things that happened at the application level, rather than low-level state changes.

State, Streams, and Immutability

We saw in Chapter 10 that batch processing benefits from the immutability of its input files, so you can run experimental processing jobs on existing input files without fear of damaging them. This principle of immutability is also what makes event sourcing and change data capture so powerful.

Whenever you have state that changes, that state is the result of the events that mutated it over time. The key idea is that mutable state and an append-only log of immutable events do not contradict each other: they are two sides of the same coin. The log of all changes, the changelog, represents the evolution of state over time.

If you consider the log of events to be your system of record, and any mutable state as being derived from it, it becomes easier to reason about the flow of data through a system. Log compaction is one way of bridging the distinction between log and database state: it retains only the latest version of each record, and discards overwritten versions.

Advantages of immutable events

Immutability in databases is an old idea. With an append-only log of immutable events, it is much easier to diagnose what happened and recover from the problem. Immutable events also capture more information than just the current state.

Deriving several views from the same event log

Moreover, by separating mutable state from the immutable event log, you can derive several different read-oriented representations from the same log of events. This works just like having multiple consumers of a stream.

Storing data is normally quite straightforward if you don’t have to worry about how it is going to be queried and accessed; many of the complexities of schema design, indexing, and storage engines are the result of wanting to support certain query and access patterns. For this reason, you gain a lot of flexibility by separating the form in which data is written from the form it is read, and by allowing several different read views. This idea is sometimes known as command query responsibility segregation (CQRS).

Concurrency control

The biggest downside of event sourcing and change data capture is that the consumers of the event log are usually asynchronous, so there is a possibility that a user may make a write to the log, then read from a log-derived view and find that their write has not yet been reflected in the read view.

One solution would be to perform the updates of the read view synchronously with appending the event to the log. This requires a transaction to combine the writes into an atomic unit, so either you need to keep the event log and the read view in the same storage system, or you need a distributed transaction across the different systems.

Limitations of immutability

The immutable history may grow prohibitively large and issues like fragmentation may crop up. Also, the performance of compaction and garbage collection becomes crucial for operational robustness.

Besides the performance reasons, there may also be circumstances in which you need data to be deleted for administrative reasons, in spite of all immutability. For example, privacy regulations may require deleting a user’s personal information after they close their account, data protection legislation may require erroneous information to be removed, or an accidental leak of sensitive information may need to be contained.

Processing Streams

So far in this chapter we have talked about where streams come from (user activity events, sensors, and writes to databases), and we have talked about how streams are transported (through direct messaging, via message brokers, and in event logs).

What remains is to discuss what you can do with the stream once you have it — namely, you can process it. Broadly, there are three options:

  • You can take the data in the events and write it to a database, cache, search index, or similar storage system, from where it can then be queried by other clients. As shown in Figure 11–5, this is a good way of keeping a database in sync with changes happening in other parts of the system — especially if the stream consumer is the only client writing to the database.
  • You can push the events to users in some way, for example by sending email alerts or push notifications, or by streaming the events to a real-time dashboard where they are visualized. In this case, a human is the ultimate consumer of the stream.
  • You can process one or more input streams to produce one or more output streams. Streams may go through a pipeline consisting of several such processing stages before they eventually end up at an output.

In the rest of this chapter, we will discuss option 3: processing streams to produce other, derived streams. A piece of code that processes streams like this is known as an operator or a job.

Uses of Stream Processing

Stream processing has long been used for monitoring purposes, where an organization wants to be alerted if certain things happen. For example:

  • Fraud detection systems need to determine if the usage patterns of a credit card have unexpectedly changed, and block the card if it is likely to have been stolen.
  • Trading systems need to examine price changes in a financial market and execute trades according to specified rules.
  • Manufacturing systems need to monitor the status of machines in a factory, and quickly identify the problem if there is a malfunction.
  • Military and intelligence systems need to track the activities of a potential aggressor, and raise the alarm if there are signs of an attack.

These kinds of applications require quite sophisticated pattern matching and correlations.

Complex event processing

Complex event processing (CEP) is an approach developed in the 1990s for analyzing event streams, especially geared toward the kind of application that requires search‐ ing for certain event patterns. Similarly to the way that a regular expression allows you to search for certain patterns of characters in a string, CEP allows you to specify rules to search for certain patterns of events in a stream.

Stream analytics

Another area in which stream processing is used is for analytics on streams. The boundary between CEP and stream analytics is blurry, but as a general rule, analytics tends to be less interested in finding specific event sequences and is more oriented toward aggregations and statistical metrics over a large number of events.

Many open source distributed stream processing frameworks are designed with analytics in mind: for example, Apache Storm, Spark Streaming, Flink, Concord, Samza, and Kafka Streams.

Maintaining materialized views

We saw that a stream of changes to a database can be used to keep derived data systems, such as caches, search indexes, and data warehouses, up to date with a source database. We can regard these examples as specific cases of maintaining materialized views : deriving an alternative view onto some dataset so that you can query it efficiently, and updating that view whenever the underlying data changes.

Search on streams

Besides CEP, which allows searching for patterns consisting of multiple events, there is also sometimes a need to search for individual events based on complex criteria, such as full-text search queries.

For example, users of real estate websites can ask to be notified when a new property matching their search criteria appears on the market. The percolator feature of Elasticsearch is one option for implementing this kind of stream search.

Reasoning About Time

A batch process may read a year’s worth of historical events within a few minutes; in most cases, the timeline of interest is the year of history, not the few minutes of processing. Moreover, using the timestamps in the events allows the processing to be deterministic: running the same process again on the same input yields the same result.

On the other hand, many stream processing frameworks use the local system clock on the processing machine (the processing time) to determine windowing. This approach has the advantage of being simple, and it is reasonable if the delay between event creation and event processing is negligibly short. However, it breaks down if there is any significant processing lag — i.e., if the processing may happen noticeably later than the time at which the event actually occurred.

Types of windows

The window can be used for aggregations, for example to count events, or to calculate the average of values within the window. Several types of windows are in common use.

  • Tumbling window: has a fixed length, and every event belongs to exactly one window.
  • Hopping window: has a fixed length, but allows windows to overlap in order to provide some smoothing.
  • Sliding window: contains all the events that occur within some interval of each other.
  • Session window: Unlike the other window types, a session window has no fixed duration. Instead, it is defined by grouping together all events for the same user that occur closely together in time, and the window ends when the user has been inactive for some time. Sessionization is a common requirement for website analytics.

Stream Joins

In Chapter 10 we discussed how batch jobs can join datasets by key, and how such joins form an important part of data pipelines. Since stream processing generalizes data pipelines to incremental processing of unbounded datasets, there is exactly the same need for joins on streams.

However, the fact that new events can appear anytime on a stream makes joins on streams more challenging than in batch jobs.

Time-dependence of joins

The three types of joins (stream-stream, stream-table, and table-table) have a lot in common: they all require the stream processor to maintain some state (search and click events, user profiles, or follower list) based on one join input, and query that state on messages from the other join input.

The order of the events that maintain the state is important (it matters whether you first follow and then unfollow, or the other way round). In a partitioned log, the ordering of events within a single partition is preserved, but there is typically no ordering guarantee across different streams or partitions.

If the ordering of events across streams is undetermined, the join becomes nondeterministic, which means you cannot rerun the same job on the same input and necessarily get the same result: the events on the input streams may be interleaved in a different way when you run the job again.

In data warehouses, this issue is known as a slowly changing dimension (SCD), and it is often addressed by using a unique identifier for a particular version of the joined record.

Fault Tolerance

In the final section of this chapter, let’s consider how stream processors can tolerate faults. We saw in Chapter 10 that batch processing frameworks can tolerate faults fairly easily: if a task in a MapReduce job fails, it can simply be started again on another machine, and the output of the failed task is discarded. This transparent retry is possible because input files are immutable, each task writes its output to a separate file on HDFS, and output is only made visible when a task completes successfully.

The same issue of fault tolerance arises in stream processing, but it is less straightforward to handle: waiting until a task is finished before making its output visible is not an option, because a stream is infinite and so you can never finish processing it.

Microbatching and checkpointing

One solution is to break the stream into small blocks, and treat each block like a miniature batch process. This approach is called microbatching. The batch size is typically around one second, which is the result of a performance compromise: smaller batches incur greater scheduling and coordination overhead, while larger batches mean a longer delay before results of the stream processor become visible.

Within the confines of the stream processing framework, the microbatching and checkpointing approaches provide the same exactly-once semantics as batch processing.

Atomic commit revisited

In order to give the appearance of exactly-once processing in the presence of faults, we need to ensure that all outputs and side effects of processing an event take effect if and only if the processing is successful. Those things either all need to happen atomically, or none of them must happen, but they should not go out of sync with each other.


Our goal is to discard the partial output of any failed tasks so that they can be safely retried without taking effect twice. Distributed transactions are one way of achieving that goal, but another way is to rely on idempotence.

An idempotent operation is one that you can perform multiple times, and it has the same effect as if you performed it only once.

Relying on idempotence implies several assumptions: restarting a failed task must replay the same messages in the same order (a log-based message broker does this), the processing must be deterministic, and no other node may concurrently update the same value.

Rebuilding state after a failure

Any stream process that requires state — for example, any windowed aggregations (such as counters, averages, and histograms) and any tables and indexes used for joins — must ensure that this state can be recovered after a failure.

One option is to keep the state in a remote datastore and replicate it, although having to query a remote database for each individual message can be slow. An alternative is to keep state local to the stream processor, and replicate it periodically. Then, when the stream processor is recovering from a failure, the new task can read the replicated state and resume processing without data loss.

In some cases, it may not even be necessary to replicate the state, because it can be rebuilt from the input streams.

However, all of these trade-offs depend on the performance characteristics of the underlying infrastructure: in some systems, network delay may be lower than disk access latency, and network bandwidth may be comparable to disk bandwidth. There is no universally ideal trade-off for all situations, and the merits of local versus remote state may also shift as storage and networking technologies evolve.



Aditi Lonhari
Aditi Lonhari

Written by Aditi Lonhari

The mind is everything. What you think, you become!

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