Chapter 3: Storage and Retrieval (Part 2)
Transaction Processing or Analytics?
In the early days of business data processing, a write to the database typically corre‐ sponded to a commercial transaction taking place: making a sale, placing an order with a supplier, paying an employee’s salary, etc. As databases expanded into areas that didn’t involve money changing hands, the term transaction nevertheless stuck, referring to a group of reads and writes that form a logical unit.
An application typically looks up a small number of records by some key, using an index. Records are inserted or updated based on the user’s input. Because these applications are interactive, the access pattern became known as online transaction processing (OLTP). These OLTP systems are usually expected to be highly available and to process transactions with low latency, since they are often critical to the operation of the business. Database administrators therefore closely guard their OLTP databases.
However, databases also started being increasingly used for data analytics, which has very different access patterns. Usually an analytic query needs to scan over a huge number of records, only reading a few columns per record, and calculates aggregate statistics (such as count, sum, or average) rather than returning the raw data to the user.
These queries are often written by business analysts, and feed into reports that help the management of a company make better decisions (business intelligence). In order to differentiate this pattern of using databases from transaction processing, it has been called online analytic processing (OLAP). The difference between OLTP and OLAP is not always clear-cut, but some typical characteristics are listed in Table 3–1.
Data Warehousing
A data warehouse is a separate database that analysts can query to their hearts’ content, without affecting OLTP operations. The data warehouse contains a read-only copy of the data in all the various OLTP systems in the company. Data is extracted from OLTP databases (using either a periodic data dump or a continuous stream of updates), transformed into an analysis-friendly schema, cleaned up, and then loaded into the data warehouse. This process of getting data into the warehouse is known as Extract–Transform–Load (ETL) and is illustrated in Figure 3–8.
A big advantage of using a separate data warehouse, rather than querying OLTP systems directly for analytics, is that the data warehouse can be optimized for analytic access patterns. It turns out that the indexing algorithms discussed in the first half of this chapter work well for OLTP, but are not very good at answering analytic queries.
In the rest of this chapter we will look at storage engines that are optimized for analytics instead.
The divergence between OLTP databases and data warehouses
The data model of a data warehouse is most commonly relational, because SQL is generally a good fit for analytic queries. There are many graphical data analysis tools that generate SQL queries, visualize the results, and allow analysts to explore the data (through operations such as drill-down and slicing and dicing).
On the surface, a data warehouse and a relational OLTP database look similar, because they both have a SQL query interface. However, the internals of the systems can look quite different, because they are optimized for very different query patterns. Many database vendors now focus on supporting either transaction processing or analytics workloads, but not both.
Stars and Snowflakes: Schemas for Analytics
As explored in Chapter 2, a wide range of different data models are used in the realm of transaction processing, depending on the needs of the application. On the other hand, in analytics, there is much less diversity of data models. Many data warehouses are used in a fairly formulaic style, known as a star schema ⭐️(also known as dimensional modeling).
The example schema in Figure 3–9 shows a data warehouse that might be found at a grocery retailer. At the center of the schema is a so-called fact table (in this example, it is called fact_sales). Each row of the fact table represents an event that occurred at a particular time (here, each row represents a customer’s purchase of a product).
Some of the columns in the fact table are attributes, such as the price at which the product was sold and the cost of buying it from the supplier (allowing the profit margin to be calculated). Other columns in the fact table are foreign key references to other tables, called dimension tables. As each row in the fact table represents an event, the dimensions represent the who, what, where, when, how, and why of the event.
The name “star schema” comes from the fact that when the table relationships are visualized, the fact table is in the middle, surrounded by its dimension tables; the connections to these tables are like the rays of a star.
A variation of this template is known as the snowflake schema ❄️, where dimensions are further broken down into subdimensions. For example, there could be separate tables for brands and product categories, and each row in the dim_product table could reference the brand and category as foreign keys, rather than storing them as strings in the dim_product table. Snowflake schemas are more normalized than star schemas, but star schemas are often preferred because they are simpler for analysts to work with. In a typical data warehouse, tables are often very wide: fact tables often have over 100 columns, sometimes several hundred. Dimension tables can also be very wide, as they include all the metadata that may be relevant for analysis.
Column-Oriented Storage
If you have trillions of rows and petabytes of data in your fact tables, storing and querying them efficiently becomes a challenging problem. Dimension tables are usu‐ ally much smaller (millions of rows), so in this section we will concentrate primarily on storage of facts.
Although fact tables are often over 100 columns wide, a typical data warehouse query only accesses 4 or 5 of them at one time (“SELECT *” queries are rarely needed for analytics).
In most OLTP databases, storage is laid out in a row-oriented fashion: all the values from one row of a table are stored next to each other. Document databases are similar: an entire document is typically stored as one contiguous sequence of bytes.
In order to process a query like Example 3–1, you may have indexes on fact_sales.date_key and/or fact_sales.product_sk that tell the storage engine where to find all the sales for a particular date or for a particular product. But then, a row-oriented storage engine still needs to load all of those rows (each consisting of over 100 attributes) from disk into memory, parse them, and filter out those that don’t meet the required conditions. That can take a long time.
The idea behind column-oriented storage is simple: don’t store all the values from one row together, but store all the values from each column together instead. If each col‐ umn is stored in a separate file, a query only needs to read and parse those columns that are used in that query, which can save a lot of work. The column-oriented storage layout relies on each column file containing the rows in the same order. This principle is illustrated in Figure 3–10.
Column Compression
Besides only loading those columns from disk that are required for a query, we can further reduce the demands on disk throughput by compressing data. Fortunately, column-oriented storage often lends itself very well to compression.
Take a look at the sequences of values for each column in Figure 3–10: they often look quite repetitive, which is a good sign for compression. Depending on the data in the column, different compression techniques can be used. One technique that is particu‐ larly effective in data warehouses is bitmap encoding, illustrated in Figure 3–11.
Bitmap indexes such as these are very well suited for the kinds of queries that are common in a data warehouse. For example:
WHERE product_sk IN (30, 68, 69):
Load the three bitmaps for product_sk = 30, product_sk = 68, and product_sk
= 69, and calculate the bitwise OR of the three bitmaps, which can be done very
Memory bandwidth and vectorized processing
For data warehouse queries that need to scan over millions of rows, a big bottleneck is the bandwidth for getting data from disk into memory. However, that is not the only bottleneck. Developers of analytical databases also worry about efficiently using the bandwidth from main memory into the CPU cache and other CPU related challenges.
Besides reducing the volume of data that needs to be loaded from disk, column-oriented storage layouts are also good for making efficient use of CPU cycles. Column compression allows more rows from a column to fit in the same amount of L1 cache. Operators, such as the bitwise AND and OR described previously, can be designed to operate on such chunks of compressed column data directly. This technique is known as vectorized processing.
Sort Order in Column Storage
Column-store data needs to be sorted an entire row at a time, even though it is stored by column. The administrator of the database can choose the columns by which the table should be sorted, using their knowledge of common queries. A second column can determine the sort order of any rows that have the same value in the first column.
Another advantage of sorted order is that it can help with compression of columns. If the primary sort column does not have many distinct values, then after sorting, it will have long sequences where the same value is repeated many times in a row. A simple run-length encoding, like we used for the bitmaps in Figure 3–11, could compress that column down to a few kilobytes — even if the table has billions of rows. That compression effect is strongest on the first sort key. The second and third sort keys will be more jumbled up, and thus not have such long runs of repeated values. Columns further down the sorting priority appear in essentially random order, so they probably won’t compress as well. But having the first few columns sorted is still a win overall.
Several different sort orders
Different queries benefit from different sort orders, so why not store the same data sorted in several different ways? Data needs to be replicated to multiple machines anyway, so that you don’t lose data if one machine fails. You might as well store that redundant data sorted in different ways so that when you’re processing a query, you can use the version that best fits the query pattern.
Having multiple sort orders in a column-oriented store is a bit similar to having multiple secondary indexes in a row-oriented store. But the big difference is that the row-oriented store keeps every row in one place (in the heap file or a clustered index), and secondary indexes just contain pointers to the matching rows. In a column store, there normally aren’t any pointers to data elsewhere, only columns containing values.
Writing to Column-Oriented Storage
These optimizations make sense in data warehouses, because most of the load con‐ sists of large read-only queries run by analysts. Column-oriented storage, compres‐ sion, and sorting all help to make those read queries faster. However, they have the downside of making writes more difficult.
An update-in-place approach, like B-trees use, is not possible with compressed col‐ umns. If you wanted to insert a row in the middle of a sorted table, you would most likely have to rewrite all the column files. As rows are identified by their position within a column, the insertion has to update all columns consistently. Fortunately, we have already seen a good solution earlier in this chapter: LSM-trees. All writes first go to an in-memory store, where they are added to a sorted structure and prepared for writing to disk. It doesn’t matter whether the in-memory store is row-oriented or column-oriented. When enough writes have accumulated, they are merged with the column files on disk and written to new files in bulk.
Queries need to examine both the column data on disk and the recent writes in mem‐ ory, and combine the two. However, the query optimizer hides this distinction from the user. From an analyst’s point of view, data that has been modified with inserts, updates, or deletes is immediately reflected in subsequent queries.
Aggregation: Data Cubes and Materialized Views
Not every data warehouse is necessarily a column store: traditional row-oriented databases and a few other architectures are also used. However, columnar storage can be significantly faster for ad hoc analytical queries, so it is rapidly gaining popularity.
Another aspect of data warehouses that is worth mentioning briefly is materialized aggregates. As discussed earlier, data warehouse queries often involve an aggregate function, such as COUNT, SUM, AVG, MIN, or MAX in SQL. If the same aggregates are used by many different queries, it can be wasteful to crunch through the raw data every time. Why not cache some of the counts or sums that queries use most often?
One way of creating such a cache is a materialized view. In a relational data model, it is often defined like a standard (virtual) view: a table-like object whose contents are the results of some query. The difference is that a materialized view is an actual copy of the query results, written to disk, whereas a virtual view is just a shortcut for writing queries. When you read from a virtual view, the SQL engine expands it into the view’s underlying query on the fly and then processes the expanded query.
When the underlying data changes, a materialized view needs to be updated, because it is a denormalized copy of the data. The database can do that automatically, but such updates make writes more expensive, which is why materialized views are not often used in OLTP databases. In read-heavy data warehouses they can make more sense (whether or not they actually improve read performance depends on the individual case).
A common special case of a materialized view is known as a data cube or OLAP cube. It is a grid of aggregates grouped by different dimensions. Figure 3–12 shows an example.
The advantage of a materialized data cube is that certain queries become very fast because they have effectively been precomputed. For example, if you want to know the total sales per store yesterday, you just need to look at the totals along the appro‐ priate dimension — no need to scan millions of rows. The disadvantage is that a data cube doesn’t have the same flexibility as querying the raw data.
Most data warehouses therefore try to keep as much raw data as possible, and use aggregates such as data cubes only as a performance boost for certain queries.