Chapter 9: Consistency and Consensus

Aditi Lonhari
14 min readJun 14, 2023


In this chapter, we will talk about some examples of algorithms and protocols for building fault-tolerant distributed systems.

The best way of building fault-tolerant systems is to find some general-purpose abstractions with useful guarantees, implement them once, and then let applications rely on those guarantees. This is the same approach as we used with transactions in Chapter 7: by using a transaction, the application can pretend that there are no crashes (atomicity), that nobody else is concurrently accessing the database (isolation), and that storage devices are perfectly reliable (durability). Even though crashes, race conditions, and disk failures do occur, the transaction abstraction hides those problems so that the application doesn’t need to worry about them.

We will now continue along the same lines, and seek abstractions that can allow an application to ignore some of the problems with distributed systems. For example, one of the most important abstractions for distributed systems is consensus: that is, getting all of the nodes to agree on something.

Consistency Guarantees

There are inconsistencies occurring no matter what replication method the database uses (single-leader, multi-leader, or leaderless replication). Most replicated databases provide at least eventual consistency, which means that if you stop writing to the database and wait for some unspecified length of time, then eventually all read requests will return the same value. The edge cases of eventual consistency only become apparent when there is a fault in the system (e.g., a network interruption) or at high concurrency.


In an eventually consistent database, if you ask two different replicas the same question at the same time, you may get two different answers. That’s confusing. Wouldn’t it be a lot simpler if the database could give the illusion that there is only one replica (i.e., only one copy of the data)? Then every client would have the same view of the data, and you wouldn’t have to worry about replication lag. This is the idea behind linearizability (also known as atomic consistency, strong consistency, immediate consistency, or external consistency.

The basic idea is to make a system appear as if there were only one copy of the data, and all operations on it are atomic. With this guarantee, even though there may be multiple replicas in reality, the application does not need to worry about them.

To make the system linearizable, we need to add another constraint, illustrated here -

The requirement of linearizability is that the lines joining up the operation markers always move forward in time (from left to right), never backward. This requirement ensures the recency guarantee.

Relying on Linearizability

A few areas in which linearizability is an important requirement for making a system work correctly

Locking and leader election

A system that uses single-leader replication needs to ensure that there is indeed only one leader, not several (split brain). One way of electing a leader is to use a lock: every node that starts up tries to acquire the lock, and the one that succeeds becomes the leader. No matter how this lock is implemented, it must be linearizable: all nodes must agree which node owns the lock; otherwise it is useless.

Constraints and uniqueness guarantees

Uniqueness constraints are common in databases: for example, a username or email address must uniquely identify one user. If you want to enforce this constraint as the data is written to return error, you need linearizability.

Cross-channel timing dependencies

This problem arises because there are two different communication channels between the web server and the resizer: the file storage and the message queue. Without the recency guarantee of linearizability, race conditions between these two channels are possible.

Linearizability is not the only way of avoiding this race condition, but it’s the simplest to understand. If you control the additional communication channel, you can use alternative approaches at the cost of additional complexity.

Implementing Linearizable Systems

The most common approach to making a system fault-tolerant is to use replication.

Compare whether they can be made linearizable:

  • Single-leader replication (potentially linearizable)

If you make reads from the leader, or from synchronously updated followers, they have the potential to be linearizable. However, not every single-leader database is actually linearizable, either by design (e.g., because it uses snapshot isolation) or due to concurrency bugs.

  • Consensus algorithms (linearizable)

Consensus protocols contain measures to prevent split brain and stale replicas which makes it easy to implement linearizable storage safely.

  • Multi-leader replication (not linearizable)

Concurrently process writes on multiple nodes and asynchronous replication to other nodes makes linearizable impossible.

  • Leaderless replication (probably not linearizable)

People sometimes claim that you can obtain “strong consistency” by requiring quorum reads and writes (w + r > n) but it is not true.

The Cost of Linearizability

Disconnected clients is not just a consequence of single-leader and multi-leader replication: any linearizable database has this problem, no matter how it is implemented. The issue also isn’t specific to multi-datacenter deployments, but can occur on any unreliable network, even within one datacenter. The trade-off is as follows:

  • If your application requires linearizability, and some replicas are disconnected from the other replicas due to a network problem, then some replicas cannot process requests while they are disconnected: they must either wait until the network problem is fixed, or return an error (either way, they become unavailable).
  • If your application does not require linearizability, then it can be written in a way that each replica can process requests independently, even if it is disconnected from other replicas (e.g., multi-leader). In this case, the application can remain available in the face of a network problem, but its behavior is not linearizable.

Thus, applications that don’t require linearizability can be more tolerant of network problems. This insight is popularly known as the CAP theorem.

Although linearizability is a useful guarantee, surprisingly few systems are actually linearizable in practice. Many distributed databases that choose not to provide linearizable guarantees: they do so primarily to increase performance, not so much for fault tolerance. Linearizability is slow — and this is true all the time, not only during a network fault.

Ordering Guarantees

We said previously that a linearizable register behaves as if there is only a single copy of the data, and that every operation appears to take effect atomically at one point in time. This definition implies that operations are executed in some well-defined order.

  • In Chapter 5 we saw that the main purpose of the leader in single-leader replication is to determine the order of writes in the replication log — that is, the order in which followers apply those writes.
  • Serializability, in Chapter 7, is about ensuring that transactions behave as if they were executed in some sequential order.
  • The use of timestamps and clocks in distributed systems that we discussed in Chapter 8 is another attempt to introduce order to determine which one of two writes happened later.

It turns out that there are deep connections between ordering, linearizability, and consensus.

Ordering and Causality

Causality imposes an ordering on events: cause comes before effect; a message is sent before that message is received; the question comes before the answer. These chains of causally dependent operations define the causal order in the system — i.e., what happened before what.

The difference between a total order and a partial order is reflected in different data‐ base consistency models:


In a linearizable system, we have a total order of operations: if the system behaves as if there is only a single copy of the data, and every operation is atomic, this means that for any two operations we can always say which one happened first.


We said that two operations are concurrent if neither happened before the other. Put another way, two events are ordered if they are causally related (one happened before the other), but they are incomparable if they are concurrent. This means that causality defines a partial order, not a total order: some operations are ordered with respect to each other, but some are incomparable.

Linearizability implies causality: any system that is linearizable will preserve causality correctly. In particular, if there are multiple communication channels in a system, linearizability ensures that causality is automatically preserved without the system having to do anything special (such as passing around timestamps between different components).

A system can be causally consistent without incurring the performance hit of making it linearizable (in particular, the CAP theorem does not apply). In fact, causal consistency is the strongest possible consistency model that does not slow down due to network delays, and remains available in the face of network failures. In many cases, systems that appear to require linearizability in fact only really require causal consistency, which can be implemented more efficiently. Based on this observation, researchers are exploring new kinds of databases that preserve causality, with performance and availability characteristics that are similar to those of eventually consistent systems.

Distributed Transactions and Consensus

Consensus is one of the most important and fundamental problems in distributed computing. The goal is simply to get sev‐ eral nodes to agree on something.

There are a number of situations in which it is important for nodes to agree. For example:

Leader election

In this case, consensus is important to avoid a bad failover, resulting in a split brain situation in which two nodes both believe themselves to be the leader.

Atomic commit

If we want to maintain transaction atomicity, we have to get all nodes to agree on the outcome of the transaction: either they all abort/roll back or they all commit. This instance of consensus is known as the atomic commit problem.

Two-Phase Commit (2PC)

On a single node, transaction commitment crucially depends on the order in which data is durably written to disk: first the data, then the commit record. The key deciding moment for whether the transaction commits or aborts is the moment at which the disk finishes writing the commit record.

A transaction commit must be irrevocable — you are not allowed to change your mind and retroactively abort a transaction after it has been committed. The reason for this rule is that once data has been committed, it becomes visible to other transactions, and thus other clients may start relying on that data; this principle forms the basis of read committed isolation.

Two-phase commit is an algorithm for achieving atomic transaction commit across multiple nodes — i.e., to ensure that either all nodes commit or all nodes abort. It is a classic algorithm in distributed databases. 2PC is used internally in some databases and also made available to applications in the form of XA transactions.

2PC uses a new component that does not normally appear in single-node transac‐ tions: a coordinator (also known as transaction manager). The coordinator is often implemented as a library within the same application process that is requesting the transaction, but it can also be a separate process or service.

A 2PC transaction begins with the application reading and writing data on multiple database nodes, as normal. We call these database nodes participants in the transaction. When the application is ready to commit, the coordinator begins phase 1: it sends a prepare request to each of the nodes, asking them whether they are able to commit. The coordinator then tracks the responses from the participants:

  • If all participants reply “yes,” indicating they are ready to commit, then the coordinator sends out a commit request in phase 2, and the commit actually takes place.
  • If any of the participants replies “no,” the coordinator sends an abort request to all nodes in phase 2.

The protocol contains two crucial “points of no return”: when a participant votes “yes,” it promises that it will definitely be able to commit later (although the coordinator may still choose to abort); and once the coordinator decides, that deci‐ sion is irrevocable. Those promises ensure the atomicity of 2PC.

Coordinator failure

If the coordinator fails before sending the prepare requests, a participant can safely abort the transaction. But once the participant has received a prepare request and voted “yes,” it can no longer abort unilaterally — it must wait to hear back from the coordinator whether the transaction was committed or aborted. If the coordinator crashes or the network fails at this point, the participant can do nothing but wait. A participant’s transaction in this state is called in doubt or uncertain.

The only way 2PC can complete is by waiting for the coordinator to recover. This is why the coordinator must write its commit or abort decision to a transaction log on disk before sending commit or abort requests to participants: when the coordinator recovers, it determines the status of all in-doubt transactions by reading its transaction log. Any transactions that don’t have a commit record in the coordinator’s log are aborted. Thus, the commit point of 2PC comes down to a regular single-node atomic commit on the coordinator.

Two-phase commit is called a blocking atomic commit protocol due to the fact that 2PC can become stuck waiting for the coordinator to recover.

Distributed Transactions in Practice

Distributed transactions, especially those implemented with two-phase commit, have a mixed reputation. On the one hand, they are seen as providing an important safety guarantee that would be hard to achieve otherwise; on the other hand, they are criticized for causing operational problems, killing performance, and promising more than they can deliver. Many cloud services choose not to implement distributed transactions due to the operational problems they engender.

Two quite different types of distributed transactions are often conflated:

Database-internal distributed transactions

Some distributed databases (i.e., databases that use replication and partitioning in their standard configuration) support internal transactions among the nodes of that database. In this case, all the nodes participating in the transaction are running the same database software.

Heterogeneous distributed transactions

In a heterogeneous transaction, the participants are two or more different technologies: for example, two databases from different vendors, or even non-database systems such as message brokers. A distributed transaction across these systems must ensure atomic commit, even though the systems may be entirely different under the hood.

Database-internal transactions do not have to be compatible with any other system, so they can use any protocol and apply optimizations specific to that particular technology. For that reason, database-internal distributed transactions can often work quite well. On the other hand, transactions spanning heterogeneous technologies are a lot more challenging.

XA transactions

X/Open XA (short for eXtended Architecture) is a standard for implementing two-phase commit across heterogeneous technologies. XA is supported by many traditional relational databases (including PostgreSQL, MySQL, DB2, SQL Server, and Oracle) and message brokers (including ActiveMQ, HornetQ, MSMQ, and IBM MQ).

XA is not a network protocol — it is merely a C API for interfacing with a transaction coordinator. XA assumes that your application uses a network driver or client library to communicate with the participant databases or messaging services.

Fault-Tolerant Consensus

Informally, consensus means getting several nodes to agree on something. For example, if several people concurrently try to book the last seat on an airplane then a consensus algorithm could be used to determine which one of these mutually incompatible operations should be the winner.

The consensus problem is normally formalized as follows: one or more nodes may propose values, and the consensus algorithm decides on one of those values.

In this formalism, a consensus algorithm must satisfy the following properties:

Uniform agreement : No two nodes decide differently.

Integrity: No node decides twice.

Validity: If a node decides value v, then v was proposed by some node.

Termination: Every node that does not crash eventually decides some value.

The uniform agreement and integrity properties define the core idea of consensus: everyone decides on the same outcome, and once you have decided, you cannot change your mind. The validity property exists mostly to rule out trivial solutions: for example, you could have an algorithm that always decides null, no matter what was proposed; this algorithm would satisfy the agreement and integrity properties, but not the validity property.

The termination property formalizes the idea of fault tolerance. It essentially says that a consensus algorithm cannot simply sit around and do nothing forever — in other words, it must make progress. Even if some nodes fail, the other nodes must still reach a decision. (Termination is a liveness property, whereas the other three are safety properties)

Any consensus algorithm requires at least a majority of nodes to be functioning correctly in order to assure termination. That majority can safely form a quorum.

Limitations of consensus

Consensus algorithms are a huge breakthrough for distributed systems: they bring concrete safety properties (agreement, integrity, and validity) to systems where everything else is uncertain, and they nevertheless remain fault-tolerant (able to make progress as long as a majority of nodes are working and reachable). They provide total order broadcast, and therefore they can also implement linearizable atomic operations in a fault-tolerant way.

Some of the limitations are —

  • Consensus benefits (listed above) come at a cost.
  • The process by which nodes vote on proposals before they are decided is a kind of synchronous replication which can lead to loss of committed data on failover.
  • Consensus systems always require a strict majority to operate.
  • Most consensus algorithms assume a fixed set of nodes that participate in voting, which means that you can’t just add or remove nodes in the cluster. Static membership vs Dynamic.
  • Consensus systems generally rely on timeouts to detect failed nodes causing frequent leader elections result in terrible performance.
  • Consensus algorithms are particularly sensitive to network problems.

Membership and Coordination Services

Projects like ZooKeeper or etcd are often described as “distributed key-value stores” or “coordination and configuration services.” The API of such a service looks pretty much like that of a database: you can read and write the value for a given key, and iterate over keys. So if they’re basically databases, why do they go to all the effort of implementing a consensus algorithm? What makes them different from any other kind of database?

To understand this, it is helpful to briefly explore how a service like ZooKeeper is used. As an application developer, you will rarely need to use ZooKeeper directly, because it is actually not well suited as a general-purpose database. It is more likely that you will end up relying on it indirectly via some other project: for example, HBase, Hadoop YARN, OpenStack Nova, and Kafka all rely on ZooKeeper running in the background.

ZooKeeper and etcd are designed to hold small amounts of data that can fit entirely in memory (although they still write to disk for durability) — so you wouldn’t want to store all of your application’s data here. That small amount of data is replicated across all the nodes using a fault-tolerant total order broadcast algorithm. As dis‐ cussed previously, total order broadcast is just what you need for database replica‐ tion: if each message represents a write to the database, applying the same writes in the same order keeps replicas consistent with each other.

ZooKeeper and friends can be seen as part of a long history of research into member‐ ship services, which goes back to the 1980s and has been important for building highly reliable systems, e.g., for air traffic control.

A membership service determines which nodes are currently active and live members of a cluster. As we saw throughout Chapter 8, due to unbounded network delays it’s not possible to reliably detect whether another node has failed. However, if you couple failure detection with consensus, nodes can come to an agreement about which nodes should be considered alive or not.

It could still happen that a node is incorrectly declared dead by consensus, even though it is actually alive. But it is nevertheless very useful for a system to have agreement on which nodes constitute the current membership.



Aditi Lonhari
Aditi Lonhari

Written by Aditi Lonhari

The mind is everything. What you think, you become!

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