Chapter 2: Data Models and Query Languages

Aditi Lonhari
13 min readJul 6, 2021


Data models are perhaps the most important part of developing software, because they have such a profound effect: not only on how the software is written, but also on how we think about the problem that we are solving. Most applications are built by layering one data model on top of another. For each layer, the key question is: how is it represented in terms of the next-lower layer?

Relational Model vs Document Model

The best-known data model today is probably that of SQL, based on the relational model proposed by Edgar Codd in 1970: data is organized into relations (called tables in SQL), where each relation is an unordered collection of tuples (rows in SQL)

The roots of relational databases lie in business data processing, which was performed on mainframe computers in the 1960s and ’70s. The use cases appear mundane from today’s perspective: typically transaction processing (entering sales or banking trans‐ actions, airline reservations, stock-keeping in warehouses) and batch processing (customer invoicing, payroll, reporting).

As computers became vastly more powerful and networked, they started being used for increasingly diverse purposes. And remarkably, relational databases turned out to generalize very well, beyond their original scope of business data processing, to a broad variety of use cases. Much of what you see on the web today is still powered by relational databases, be it online publishing, discussion, social networking, e-commerce, games, software-as-a-service productivity applications, or much more.

The Birth of NoSQL

It was originally intended simply as a catchy Twitter hashtag for a meetup on open source, distributed, non-relational databases in 2009.

There are several driving forces behind the adoption of NoSQL databases, including:

  • A need for greater scalability than relational databases can easily achieve, including very large datasets or very high write throughput
  • A widespread preference for free and open source software over commercial database products
  • Specialized query operations that are not well supported by the relational model
  • Frustration with the restrictiveness of relational schemas, and a desire for a more dynamic and expressive data mode

The Object-Relational Mismatch

Most application development today is done in object-oriented programming languages, which leads to a common criticism of the SQL data model: if data is stored in relational tables, an awkward translation layer is required between the objects in the application code and the database model of tables, rows, and columns. The disconnect between the models is sometimes called an impedance mismatch.

There is a one-to-many relationship from the user to these items, which can be represented in various ways:

  • In the traditional SQL model (prior to SQL:1999), the most common normalized representation is to put positions, education, and contact information in separate tables, with a foreign key reference to the users table, as in Figure 2–1.
  • Later versions of the SQL standard added support for structured datatypes and XML data; this allowed multi-valued data to be stored within a single row, with support for querying and indexing inside those documents. These features are supported to varying degrees by Oracle, IBM DB2, MS SQL Server, and PostgreSQL. A JSON datatype is also supported by several databases, including IBM DB2, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.
  • A third option is to encode jobs, education, and contact info as a JSON or XML document, store it on a text column in the database, and let the application interpret its structure and content. In this setup, you typically cannot use the database to query for values inside that encoded column.

For a data structure like a resume, which is mostly a self-contained document, a JSON representation can be quite appropriate. Document-oriented databases like MongoDB, RethinkDB, CouchDB, and Espresso support this data model.

JSON model reduces the impedance mismatch between the application code and the storage layer. However there are also problems with JSON as a data encoding format. The lack of a schema is often cited as an advantage.

The JSON representation has better locality than the multi-table schema in Figure 2–1.

Many-to-One and Many-to-Many Relationships

Whether you store an ID or a text string is a question of duplication. When you use an ID, the information that is meaningful to humans (such as the word San Francisco) is stored in only one place, and everything that refers to it uses an ID (which only has meaning within the database). When you store the text directly, you are duplicating the human-meaningful information in every record that uses it. Removing such duplication is the key idea behind normalization in databases.

Unfortunately, normalizing this data requires many-to-one relationships (many people live in one particular region, many people work in one particular industry), which don’t fit nicely into the document model. In relational databases, it’s normal to refer to rows in other tables by ID, because joins are easy. In document databases, joins are not needed for one-to-many tree structures, and support for joins is often weak.

Document databases favoring hierarchical model, worked well for one-to-many relationships, but it made many-to-many relationships difficult, and it didn’t support joins. Developers had to decide whether to duplicate (denormalize) data or to manually resolve references from one record to another.

The two most prominent solutions to solve the limitations of the hierarchical model were the relational model and the network model.

The Network Model

The network model was standardized by a committee called the Conference on Data Systems Languages (CODASYL) and implemented by several different database vendors; it is also known as the CODASYL model. This model was a generalization of the hierarchical model. In the tree structure of the hierarchical model, every record has exactly one parent; in the net‐ work model, a record could have multiple parents. For example, there could be one record for the “Greater Seattle Area” region, and every user who lived in that region could be linked to it. This allowed many-to-one and many-to-many relationships to be modeled.

The links between records in the network model were not foreign keys, but more like pointers in a programming language (while still being stored on disk). The only way of accessing a record was to follow a path from a root record along these chains of links. This was called an access path.

The Relational Model

What the relational model did, by contrast, was to lay out all the data in the open: a relation (table) is simply a collection of tuples (rows), and that’s it. There are no labyrinthine nested structures, no complicated access paths to follow if you want to look at the data. You can read any or all of the rows in a table, selecting those that match an arbitrary condition. You can read a particular row by designating some columns as a key and matching on those. You can insert a new row into any table without worrying about foreign key relationships to and from other tables.

In a relational database, the query optimizer automatically decides which parts of the query to execute in which order, and which indexes to use. Those choices are effectively the “access path,” but the big difference is that they are made automatically by the query optimizer, not by the application developer, so we rarely need to think about them. Query optimizers for relational databases are complicated beasts, and they have consumed many years of research and development effort. But a key insight of the relational model was this: you only need to build a query optimizer once, and then all applications that use the database can benefit from it.

When it comes to representing many-to-one and many-to-many relation‐ ships, relational and document databases are not fundamentally different: in both cases, the related item is referenced by a unique identifier, which is called a foreign key in the relational model and a document reference in the document model. That identifier is resolved at read time by using a join or follow-up queries.

The main arguments in favor of the document data model are schema flexibility (schema-on-read/schema-on-write), better performance due to locality, and that for some applications it is closer to the data structures used by the application. The relational model counters by providing better support for joins, and many-to-one and many-to-many relationships.

Query Languages for Data

When the relational model was introduced, it included a new way of querying data: SQL is a declarative query language, whereas IMS and CODASYL queried the database using imperative code.

In a declarative query language, like SQL or relational algebra, you just specify the pattern of the data you want — what conditions the results must meet, and how you want the data to be transformed (e.g., sorted, grouped, and aggregated) — but not how to achieve that goal. It is up to the database system’s query optimizer to decide which indexes and which join methods to use, and in which order to execute various parts of the query. A declarative query language is attractive because it is typically more concise and easier to work with than an imperative API. But more importantly, it also hides imple‐ mentation details of the database engine, which makes it possible for the database system to introduce performance improvements without requiring any changes to queries.

The SQL example doesn’t guarantee any particular ordering, and so it doesn’t mind if the order changes. But if the query is written as imperative code, the database can never be sure whether the code is relying on the ordering or not. The fact that SQL is more limited in functionality gives the database much more room for automatic optimizations.

Finally, declarative languages often lend themselves to parallel execution. Today, CPUs are getting faster by adding more cores, not by running at significantly higher clock speeds than before. Imperative code is very hard to parallelize across multiple cores and multiple machines, because it specifies instructions that must be per‐ formed in a particular order. Declarative languages have a better chance of getting faster in parallel execution because they specify only the pattern of the results, not the algorithm that is used to determine the results. The database is free to use a parallel implementation of the query language, if appropriate.

MapReduce Querying

MapReduce is a programming model for processing large amounts of data in bulk across many machines, popularized by Google. A limited form of MapReduce is supported by some NoSQL datastores, including MongoDB and CouchDB, as a mechanism for performing read-only queries across many documents.

MapReduce is neither a declarative query language nor a fully imperative query API, but somewhere in between: the logic of the query is expressed with snippets of code, which are called repeatedly by the processing framework. It is based on the map (also known as collect) and reduce (also known as fold or inject) functions that exist in many functional programming languages.

The map and reduce functions must be pure functions, which means they only use the data that is passed to them as input, they cannot perform additional database queries, and they must not have any side effects. These restrictions allow the database to run the functions any‐ where, in any order, and rerun them on failure.

MapReduce is a fairly low-level programming model for distributed execution on a cluster of machines. Higher-level query languages like SQL can be implemented as a pipeline of MapReduce operations, but there are also many distributed implementations of SQL that don’t use MapReduce. Note there is nothing in SQL that constrains it to running on a single machine, and MapReduce doesn’t have a monopoly on distributed query execution.

Graph-Like Data Models

If your application has mostly one-to-many relationships (tree-structured data) or no relationships between records, the document model is appropriate. The relational model can handle simple cases of many-to-many relationships, but as the connections within your data become more complex, it becomes more natural to start modeling your data as a graph.

A graph consists of two kinds of objects: vertices (also known as nodes or entities) and edges (also known as relationships or arcs). Many kinds of data can be modeled as a graph. Typical examples include:

Social graphs:

Vertices are people, and edges indicate which people know each other.

eg. Facebook

The web graph:

Vertices are web pages, and edges indicate HTML links to other pages.

eg. Wikipedia (lots of links to other articles/pages)

Road or rail networks:

Vertices are junctions, and edges represent the roads or railway lines between them.

eg. Google Maps

However, graphs are not limited to such homogeneous data: an equally powerful use of graphs is to provide a consistent way of storing completely different types of objects in a single datastore. For eg, the image below shows two people, Lucy from Idaho and Alain from Beaune, France. They are married and living in London.

Lets discuss several different, but related, ways of structuring and querying data in graphs —

Property Graph Models & Cypher Query Language

In the property graph model, each vertex consists of:

  • A unique identifier
  • A set of outgoing edges
  • A set of incoming edges
  • A collection of properties (key-value pairs)

Each edge consists of:

  • A unique identifier
  • The vertex at which the edge starts (the tail vertex)
  • The vertex at which the edge ends (the head vertex)
  • A label to describe the kind of relationship between the two vertices
  • A collection of properties (key-value pairs)

Some important aspects of this model are:

  1. Any vertex can have an edge connecting it with any other vertex. There is no schema that restricts which kinds of things can or cannot be associated.
  2. Given any vertex, you can efficiently find both its incoming and its outgoing edges, and thus traverse the graph — i.e., follow a path through a chain of vertices — both forward and backward.
  3. By using different labels for different kinds of relationships, you can store several different kinds of information in a single graph, while still maintaining a clean data model.

These features give graphs a great deal of flexibility for data modeling. You could imagine extending the graph to also include many other facts about Lucy and Alain, or other people. Graphs are good for evolvability: as you add features to your application, a graph can easily be extended to accommodate changes in your application’s data structures.

The Cypher Query Language

Cypher is a declarative query language for property graphs, created for the Neo4j graph database.

As is typical for a declarative query language, you don’t need to specify such execution details when writing the query: the query optimizer automatically chooses the strategy that is predicted to be the most efficient, so you can get on with writing the rest of your application.

Triple-Stores and SPARQL

In a triple-store, all information is stored in the form of very simple three-part statements: (subject, predicate, object). For example, in the triple (Jim, likes, bananas), Jim is the subject, likes is the predicate (verb), and bananas is the object.

The subject of a triple is equivalent to a vertex in a graph. The object is one of two things:

  1. A value in a primitive datatype, such as a string or a number. In that case, the predicate and object of the triple are equivalent to the key and value of a property on the subject vertex. For example, (lucy, age, 33) is like a vertex lucy with prop‐ erties {“age”:33}.
  2. Another vertex in the graph. In that case, the predicate is an edge in the graph, the subject is the tail vertex, and the object is the head vertex. For example, in (lucy, marriedTo, alain) the subject and object lucy and alain are both vertices, and the predicate marriedTo is the label of the edge that connects them.

The SPARQL Query Language

SPARQL is a query language for triple-stores using the RDF data model. (It is an acronym for SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language, pronounced “sparkle.”) The Resource Description Framework (RDF) was intended as a mechanism for different websites to publish data in a consistent format, allowing data from different websites to be automatically combined into a web of data — a kind of internet-wide “database of everything.”

The Foundation: Datalog

Datalog is a much older language than SPARQL or Cypher, having been studied extensively by academics in the 1980s. It is less well known among soft‐ ware engineers, but it is nevertheless important, because it provides the foundation that later query languages build upon.

Datalog’s data model is similar to the triple-store model, generalized a bit. Instead of writing a triple as (subject, predicate, object), we write it as predicate(subject, object).

Cypher and SPARQL jump in right away with SELECT, but Datalog takes a small step at a time. We define rules that tell the database about new predicates. Rules can refer to other rules, just like functions can call other functions or recursively call themselves.

The Datalog approach requires a different kind of thinking to the other query languages discussed here, but it’s a very powerful approach, because rules can be combined and reused in different queries. It’s less convenient for simple one-off queries, but it can cope better if your data is complex.

